For the sixth consecutive year, the Institution of Engineering Designers (IED) – Maltabranch, has organized the IED Malta Student Award. Final Year projects presented byfourth year mechanical engineering students in the Faculty of Engineering Exhibition inJuly 2009, were assessed on a number of criteria, including the degree of innovation andcreativity in project solution and use of engineering design methods.
IED Malta Student Award
9th February 2010

New Paradigm in Manufacturing Engineering: Factory Life Cycle
Date: 3rd May 2010
Speaker : Dr. Ing. Carmen Constantinescu
Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation, Fraunhofer, Stuttgart, Germany
Today the manufacturing enterprises are confronted with new models of competition andnew modes of operation. They have to provide competitive industrial goods and supportservices at decreased prices, with high quality, overcoming the customers’ expectations.Motivated by these challenges, new and innovative paradigms aiming at supporting theresearch and innovation in manufacturing engineering are promoted: factory as a product,factory life cycle, factory data management and innovative platforms for design adcontinuously optimization of factories, equipment and manufacturing processes. Newresearch directions in the field of “Digital Factory” like “Grid Engineering forManufacturing” (GEM) approach and its implementation into the GEMLab at University ofStuttgart and Fraunhofer Institute IPA are presented.

Exploiting CAD Technology for SMEs & Industrial Applications
2nd September 2010
The Malta Branch of the Institution of Engineering Designers (IED) UK, together with MACDAC Engineering Consultancy Bureau (MECB) Ltd. and the Malta Council for Science & Technology (MCST) is organizing a free half-day seminar on Exploiting CAD Technology for SMEs & Industrial Applications. This seminar is part of the euCAD Leonardo da Vinci Project called Amplifying Skills for European SMEs in Computer-Aided Industrial Design. The general objective of the euCAD project is to develop an innovative means through which adults, at their place of work and home can be supported in acquiring knowledge on 2D and 3D Computer-Aided Design (CAD) for industrial applications.

Creativity in Engineering Design: Studies from Germany
Date: 17th November 2010
Speaker: Prof. Ing. Peter Leibel, Department of Precision and Micro Mechanics, University of Applied Sciences, Munich, Germany
The Public Lecture was presented by Prof Dr Ing. Peter Leibl, a professor at the Department ofPrecision and Micro Mechanics, Munich, University of Applied Sciences, Germany.Following a short introduction by Dr Ing Philip Farrugia, regional coordinator of the IED MaltaBranch, Prof Leibl gave a lecture on Creativity in Engineering Design. In his presentation ProfLeibl highlighted the fact that high cost countries have a high pressure on the engineeringdesign process to be successful in a worldwide market. This leads to the need of developingprocesses and methods to develop competitive products.

This in itself has to be reflected in theengineers’ education. Prof Leibl explained how this education in one part is the theoreticalbackground received during the study courses at Universities and another is the use andcombination of this knowledge. Prof Leibl went on to present how at the Munich University ofApplied Sciences, during the last years, concepts for bachelor and master study courses weredeveloped to fulfil these requirements. The presentation showed such projects in detail. Theproject partners included not only Universities, but others, such as partners from industry. Asummary and the targets for the future are given were also presented.The Public Lecture was well attended with a student audience, engineers from industry,University lecturers and staff, and IED Members. Following the public lecture somerefreshments were served, and the audience continued their discussions with Prof Leibl
Social Event